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Event Schedule

24 September 8:00 - 08:30 AM
Lagos, Nigeria
MASTERCLASS Session: Building Africa’s Capacity on Gemstone and Jewellery value chains and markets through the African Continental Free Trade Area
24 September 08:30 AM - 12:55 PM
Lagos, Nigeria
24 September 1:00 - 02:00 PM
Lagos, Nigeria
Please take lunch in your own time. Conference attendees will not be charged.
24 September 4:30 - 05:00 PM
Lagos, Nigeria
24 September 5:00 - 06:00 PM
Lagos, Nigeria
MASTERCLASS Sessions Closing
25 September 8:00 - 09:00 AM
Lagos, Nigeria
Registration of Delegates, Participants & LOCAL Exhibitors and Exhibition Booth / Pavilion Preparations
25 September 9:00 - 10:00 AM
Lagos, Nigeria
Opening Ceremony and Breakfast Meeting Session
Chaired by WIM-Nigeria
25 September 10:00 - 10:30 AM
Lagos, Nigeria
Key Note Address
25 September 11:00 - 11:30 AM
Lagos, Nigeria
Key Note Addresses
by AWIMA President: Pascaline Omgba AMDC Interim Director: Marit Kitaw
25 September 11:30 AM - 12:45 PM
Lagos, Nigeria
Empowering African women in mining
Breaking barriers, building futures; on whose shoulders? Conversations among women leaders on their individual journeys
25 September 11:30 AM - 12:45 PM
Lagos, Nigeria
Please take lunch in your own time. Conference attendees will not be charged.
25 September 2:30 - 03:30 PM
Lagos, Nigeria
Local Gemstone & Jewellery Exhibition
Private Booths Viewing Of Local Gemstone & Jewellery Exhibitors Coordinated By Investment Promotion Director/Raw Materials Research and Development council/WIMIN in mining
25 September 3:00 - 04:00 PM
Lagos, Nigeria
Press Conference
26 September 8:00 - 09:00 AM
Lagos, Nigeria
Update on AMDC’s Five Year Strategic Plan relating to ASM policy, strategy and sector governance to provide technical support to African Member States together with strategic partners
• AMV and AMGF Review Updates – Marit Kitaw (AMDC) • Developments on AMREC-PARC for Efficient ASM – Tunde Arisekola (AMDC) • ASM Continental Strategy – Mkhululi Ncube (AMDC) • ACP-EU-UNDP DevMin - Lacina Pakoum (UNDP)
26 September 9:00 - 11:00 AM
Lagos, Nigeria
Session 1: Africa’s potential to grow local regional value chains and local markets in alignment with Global Standards and Markets – “Think Global, Think Regional, Act Local”
• Keynote Presentation: Clever Sithole - Building AMDC accredited Gemmology courses for deployment across African Lapidary Training Centres • James Mazimba (Cross fertilisation potential of Continental Lapidary Training Centres) • Tejiri Omologe (Tejiri Jewellery Centre – Nigeria) • Bartel Latzoo (Mathydy - Senegal) • Bernice Dery ( - Ghana) • Mecktilder Mchovu (WOOW ME Jewellery - Tanzania)
26 September 11:00 - 11:30 AM
Lagos, Nigeria
Health/Tea/Coffee/Cocoa Break
26 September 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Lagos, Nigeria
Session 2: Africa’s potential to Building Africa’s Gemstone and Jewellery value chains and markets through the African Continental Free Trade Area (AGJEC-4-AfCFTA)
Moderated by Theophilus Boadu Adoko • Presentation on linking Gemstones and Jewellery within the adopted AU Fashion Industry Development Strategy and its Program Delivery Framework Bulelwa Nkosi (AUC) • Presentation on linkages between Ghana and Zambia in producing wholly African sourced PROUDLY AFRICAN jewellery Josephine Agyekum (PMMC) • Growth of Ghana’s Gold Statement in alignment with the Lapidary Training Centre Judy Crayem (Rapport Services)
26 September 1:00 - 02:30 PM
Lagos, Nigeria
26 September 2:45 - 03:45 PM
Lagos, Nigeria
Session 3: Africa’s potential to Building Africa’s Gemstone and Jewellery value chains and markets through the African Continental Free Trade Area (AGJEC-4-AfCFTA continued)
Moderator Zenzi Awases • Presentation on Women in Extractive Industry trade and value addition – ZAMBIA Pauline Mundia, WETVAAZ • Gem & Jewellery exposure linkages with international exhibitions and fairs as capacity building for local events - ETHIOPIA Tewodros Sintayehu (EGJA) • Gem & Jewellery exposure linkages with international exhibitions and fairs as capacity building for local events – ZIMBABWE Ruvimbo Kadenhe (WIGAZ) • Presentation on aspirations to growing local gemstone and jewellery industry from grassroots – the case of UGANDA Agnes Alaba (Uganda Geological Survey)
26 September 3:45 - 04:00 PM
Lagos, Nigeria
Tea Break
26 September 4:00 - 04:45 PM
Lagos, Nigeria
Session 4: TIME for Africa
• Gabriel Mothibedi – Nako Timepieces • Bartel Latzoo – MATHYDY • Dokun Roberts - AK&DOKS
27 September 8:00 - 08:15 AM
Lagos, Nigeria
Remarks by Dr. Janet Adeyemi
27 September 8:15 - 08:30 AM
Lagos, Nigeria
Remarks by Dr. Marit Kitaw
27 September 8:30 - 09:00 AM
Lagos, Nigeria
Official Opening Remarks
Minister of Mines
28 September 9:00 - 06:00 PM
Lagos, Nigeria
28 September 7:00
Lagos, Nigeria